Sep 4, 2011

What does LGBTQIA mean?

Every time we think we have a handle on our community's title more letters are added. So what do they all mean?

LESBIAN- Which of course is a woman attracted to other women.
GAY-Describes both males and females attracted to the same sex but is more associated with the males attracted to other males.
BISEXUAL-A person to whom love knows no gender and are attracted to both sexes.
TRANSGENDER-Any person that does not follow gender norms such as androgynous, cross-dressers, drag queens and kings, transsexuals and some others.
TRANSSEXUAL-Any person who changes there gender to align with the gender they feel they better identify with.
QUESTIONING- Any person that is currently trying to figure out their sexual orientation.
INTERSEX- One whose privates do not match male or female standards.
ALLY- A person who is an advocate against homophobia, heterosexism, heterosexual privilege, biphobia, transphobia and society's gender norms.
ASEXUAL-One who has no either no sexual interest or only a sexual interest in their self.

Some argue that its too much, too long but I look at from a completely different angle. With each added letter we add more people to our family. More people means more power and with our battle at the forefront of the nation growing can only help us. And our open-mindedness allows us to do just that, grow. Who knows how many more letters we'll add in the next five years but you should never look at it as a bad ordeal because it isn't.

What are some other groups of people (or letters) you think should be added?

1 comment:

  1. I actually strongly dislike that word. I purposefully left Queer out. Some consider it to be apart of the Q but to me its negative use by members not of the LGBT Community, more specifically a lot of people around me, has made it feel almost like an insult.
