Oct 11, 2011

My Coming-Out Story

In honor of Coming-Out Day I will be sharing my coming-out story.

I've been attracted to females for as long as I can remember (which probably goes back to middle school) but I didn't come out until my first year of college.

I had a mentor, she was bomb like you wouldn't believe! Beautiful, street smart, intelligent (those are two totally different things if you didn't know!) could dance her ass off, totally confident and I had the biggest crush on her!

Though feelings weren't mutual, she humored me. We talked all the time and with her being my mentor hanging out was totally mandatory. I came out to her first. She came over to hang me and my daughter and I told I had a new crush, a female.

She went nuts! Who? Wait, WHAT?!? It was hilarious but I didn't have the guts to tell her it was her I was crushing on so I lied and said it was some other woman. For those who don't know me, I cannot lie... at all. The tiniest lie will eat at my soul until I tell the truth so I did like a week later.

Some time after she came over again and I was brave, flirt turned on 100% and my mom caught it. She said and I quote, "If I didn't know any better I'd swear you like that girl as more than a friend." I turned to her and said, "Your right, I do." That was almost three years ago.

My mom went insane. More insane then when I told her I was pregnant. You'd have thought I'd hurt my siblings or something with her alternating between sobs and cries of "God, where did I go wrong???"

My mother still hates it and still raises hell every chance she gets. My father, along with more then half my family, disowned me. My mentor/best friend helped me as much as she could but it was a really rough time and I'm sad to say it hasn't gotten any better. The only thing thats changed is my pride in who I am.

It took me almost a year to to realize that at a point in my life where I was finally free I was letting what other people thought of me ruin my happiness. It was then I decided that I would live my life, the way I wanted and not worry about pleasing anyone else and here I stand today.

Shout Out to my bestie! I have no idea how I would have got through without you! Happy Coming Out Day!


  1. This is a beautiful story! As I was reading it memories came back to me about our conversation. I didn't realize I had such a positive impact on you:)

    I love you bestie!
