I always ask the same question... Why is the LGBT community so divided and judgmental amongst each other?
Jun 18, 2012
Day 18
Something about the LGBT community you don’t understand or have a question about.
I always ask the same question... Why is the LGBT community so divided and judgmental amongst each other?
I always ask the same question... Why is the LGBT community so divided and judgmental amongst each other?
Day 17
Your first experience with an LGBT organization or event (Day of Silence, Pride, etc).
Spirit Day was my first LGBT event. For those of you who don't know Spirit Day is a day that everyone wears purple in remembrance of the LGBT youth who've taken their own lives due to bullying or what have you... This particular year we lost a young man like the day before, might have been a couple days. His name was Corey Jackson and I didn't know him personally but I had a ton of friends who knew him and it turned Oakland University's campus upside down. It was a huge tragedy but it was nice to see the support given by other students. The campus was literally painted purple...
Spirit Day was my first LGBT event. For those of you who don't know Spirit Day is a day that everyone wears purple in remembrance of the LGBT youth who've taken their own lives due to bullying or what have you... This particular year we lost a young man like the day before, might have been a couple days. His name was Corey Jackson and I didn't know him personally but I had a ton of friends who knew him and it turned Oakland University's campus upside down. It was a huge tragedy but it was nice to see the support given by other students. The campus was literally painted purple...
Day 15
Your favorite LGBT quote.
My favorite LGBT quote comes from my little sister Khyrah....
Follow her on twitter @IAintShitThough.
A 19 year old activist with a good head on her shoulders far beyond her years... More people should hear what she has to say.
say same-sex marriage is a threat to society. But what has
marriage done for us? Did it lower taxes? Did
the price of gas go down?
Did it end the war? Did it end racism,
sexism, bullying... any of that? No, life goes on, however shitty
or wonderful it maybe, just as it
would if homosexuals could marry."
Follow her on twitter @IAintShitThough.
A 19 year old activist with a good head on her shoulders far beyond her years... More people should hear what she has to say.
Days 14
Your favorite LGBT song or artist.
Twitter: @RainbowNoiseEnt
Jun 13, 2012
Days 12 & 13

Lost and delirious is by far my favorite LGBT movie with But I'm a cheerleader coming in at a close second. Its a really sad story: two teens fall in love and it ends in tragedy. I love it because its the first LGBT movie I've seen that really brought light to some of the major issues within our community, one of those issues being acceptance. I'm so upset iTunes doesn't carry it or I would seriously watch it every day!
Day 13 - Your favorite LGBT role model/celebrity.
Ellen, hands down. And its not just because she has her own television show. If you don't know her life story, look it up. Years ago she was an actor and she decided to come out as her character on some sitcom. Doing that made her lose everything, her job, her credit as an actor, her life as she knew it and she still stood by that decision as being the best decision of her life. Now she has her own show with awesome ratings and not to mention her beautiful wife. She just makes you realize not only how good you have it but how no matter how bad you have it life gets better. Other heroes are Jenna Talackova and Molly Landreth. Check em out!
Jun 11, 2012
Playing CatchUp (Days 8-11)
I was so strong the first week but hey I'm back and I'm here to play catch-up! Forgive me you fabulous people! lol
Day 8 - What do you think the closet or being closeted means to you?
I think that being in the closet is an act of hiding ones true sexuality for the sake of physical or mental safety.
Day 9 - What do you think about LGBT Pride? Is it helpful or hurtful? Encouraged or unnecessary?
How can having pride in ones sexuality or anything else for that matter be considered a bad thing? It should definitely be encouraged!
How can having pride in ones sexuality or anything else for that matter be considered a bad thing? It should definitely be encouraged!
Day 10 - What does marriage mean to you?
Marriage is the ultimate step in declaring your love for another, its the decision to live as wife and wife or husband and husband for the rest of your lives.
Day 11 - Your favorite LGBT book (or one you’d like to read).
I actually haven't read any LGBT books but if you'd like to recommend any I will gladly add them to my summer reading list! I'd greatly appreciate it guys! Whose caught up? I'm caught up! Don't let me slack guys! lol
Jun 7, 2012
Day 7
How your parents took it or how you think they might take it.
So its day seven which means I've made it a week! Anyways... back to the question. My mother took it horribly! Tears and banter of where she went wrong turned into lies of this being a phase and me growing out of it... My father took it well actually but he completely mistakes homosexuality for promiscuity and I've grown so tired of trying to explain to him thats not the case.
So its day seven which means I've made it a week! Anyways... back to the question. My mother took it horribly! Tears and banter of where she went wrong turned into lies of this being a phase and me growing out of it... My father took it well actually but he completely mistakes homosexuality for promiscuity and I've grown so tired of trying to explain to him thats not the case.
Jun 6, 2012
Its about that time!!! Ferndale Pride is June 14- 17. Be there or be [ ]!!!
Beyond The Bar 2012 (7-10 pm)
Join us as we celebrate an amazing collection of applied arts, during the opening reception at the Affirmations center. Appetizers, wine and beer, will accompany this showcase; along with musical selections from some of the area's finest DJs.
MotorCity Bears Charity Dinner & Silent Auction (5-8:30
Light the night against hate (8:30-10)
Light the Night Against Hate’ has been re-designed for 2012 as a self-directed walking tour through downtown Ferndale and its adjoining neighborhoods. While details of the route are developing, the plan is for walkers to visit welcome stations along the way where they can learn more about historical and contemporary issues surrounding hate in our schools and communities, including hateful speech in social media and online bullying. Walkers may also participate in a candle lighting ceremony and carry colorful glow sticks to visibly unite against hate.
Beyond The Bar 2012 (7-10 pm)
Join us as we celebrate an amazing collection of applied arts, during the opening reception at the Affirmations center. Appetizers, wine and beer, will accompany this showcase; along with musical selections from some of the area's finest DJs.
Light the night against hate (8:30-10)
Light the Night Against Hate’ has been re-designed for 2012 as a self-directed walking tour through downtown Ferndale and its adjoining neighborhoods. While details of the route are developing, the plan is for walkers to visit welcome stations along the way where they can learn more about historical and contemporary issues surrounding hate in our schools and communities, including hateful speech in social media and online bullying. Walkers may also participate in a candle lighting ceremony and carry colorful glow sticks to visibly unite against hate.
Third Annual Southeast Michigan Dyke March (2-6 pm)
Join us for the Third Annual Southeast Michigan Dyke March
on Saturday, June 16, 2012, in Downtown Ferndale. We march to promote
visibility, inclusion and equality for lesbian, bisexual and transgender
individuals. Join us for this all-ages, family-friendly event.We will meet in
the Withington Lot Alley (next to The Rust Belt Market) and march west on Nine
Mile Road. A rally will follow at Geary Park.
Bears in Speedos Car Wash (3-6 pm)
The Rainbow Run 5k (9:30 am-1 pm)
The Rainbow Run is a 5k run/walk for acceptance and
diversity. Spearheaded by the Ferndale Area Chamber of Commerce and presented
by Comerica Bank, the run will weave through the streets of downtown Ferndale
the morning of the Ferndale Pride Market Days as one of the many events taking
place throughout the Ferndale Pride weekend.
Ferndale Pride (starts at 12 pm)
Ferndale Pride strives to recognize and promote pride for
the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and ally communities, working with
residents, businesses, community groups, and all segments of the community to
welcome and promote the celebration of diversity.
Day 6
Did you face any problems regarding religion?
Totally did, I cant tell you how many people in the church tried to fix me! I wasn't too keen on Christianity anyway so it gave me an excuse to finally leave and Ive never looked back.
Totally did, I cant tell you how many people in the church tried to fix me! I wasn't too keen on Christianity anyway so it gave me an excuse to finally leave and Ive never looked back.
Jun 5, 2012
Day 5
Thoughts regarding inner turmoil about your sexuality; Did you have any? Did it escalate to self-injury or suicidal thoughts?
My biggest thought in it all was thinking I could change it. I thought that if I dated enough guys Id find one that would make this whole sexuality deal change.
The more I found that that wasn't the case, the more I hated myself for not being normal.
It did lead to self injury but never was I suicidal. It was just easier to cover a mental/emotional pain with a physical one.
Im glad to say that hurt myself is no longer the case and neither is inner turmoil. I love who I am and wouldn't trade it for the world.
My biggest thought in it all was thinking I could change it. I thought that if I dated enough guys Id find one that would make this whole sexuality deal change.
The more I found that that wasn't the case, the more I hated myself for not being normal.
It did lead to self injury but never was I suicidal. It was just easier to cover a mental/emotional pain with a physical one.
Im glad to say that hurt myself is no longer the case and neither is inner turmoil. I love who I am and wouldn't trade it for the world.
Jun 4, 2012
Day 4
The first person you came out to and that story.
The first person I came out to was my best friend Ang and I've written about it before so enjoy!
My Coming Out Story
The first person I came out to was my best friend Ang and I've written about it before so enjoy!
My Coming Out Story
Jun 3, 2012
Jun 1, 2012
Day 1
Your sexual orientation or gender identity. Be creative in your definition.
Committed vagatarian.
Converted 2008.
No chance of turning back.
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