Lost and delirious is by far my favorite LGBT movie with But I'm a cheerleader coming in at a close second. Its a really sad story: two teens fall in love and it ends in tragedy. I love it because its the first LGBT movie I've seen that really brought light to some of the major issues within our community, one of those issues being acceptance. I'm so upset iTunes doesn't carry it or I would seriously watch it every day!
Day 13 - Your favorite LGBT role model/celebrity.
Ellen, hands down. And its not just because she has her own television show. If you don't know her life story, look it up. Years ago she was an actor and she decided to come out as her character on some sitcom. Doing that made her lose everything, her job, her credit as an actor, her life as she knew it and she still stood by that decision as being the best decision of her life. Now she has her own show with awesome ratings and not to mention her beautiful wife. She just makes you realize not only how good you have it but how no matter how bad you have it life gets better. Other heroes are Jenna Talackova and Molly Landreth. Check em out!
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