Two days, two cases, two arguments and two different anti-gay measures BUT the rulings made by the Supreme Court on gay marriage and DOMA will change one world: Gay America.
Yesterday the court heard arguments on Proposition 8, a ballot measure approved by California voters in 2008 that stripped away existing marriage rights in the state for same-sex couples. Today the court will listen to arguments on the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which prohibits federal recognition of same-sex marriage.

Click here for Tuesday's audio

The ban on same-sex marriage will be defended by anti-gay groups, such as, because California state officials have declined to defend the marriage ban. The lawyer arguing on behalf of the anti-gay measure will likely be private attorney Charles Cooper, who defended Prop 8 during the district court trial in 2010.
Make no mistake, whether we win this victory or shot down we will not go away.
Information taken from The Washington Blade
Images from Fckh8 and the Human Rights Campaign
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