I was talking to a friend the other day. We happened upon the topic of gay slurs and out of it came a challenge.
The challenge: Take the gay slur that you hate the most, define it, redefine it and turn it into a positive phrase. Instead of calling people out like I usually do I will instead be doing this for at least the next 2 days and I hope you'll do it with me.
My most hated gay slur is when something happens that people don't like or they don't agree with and they say, "That's so gay." Meaning it as an insult. Synonyms for the word gay could be stupid, or dumb, not worth it, among so many others.
Now to redefine. I want it to mean something positive, be the phrase people use for something they like.
So from here on out I will use the phrase to mean such. For example: Have you seen those new Sperry's? The plaids with the fake fur inside. Those kicks are so gay! I must cope em' for the upcoming season!
So I actually had that conversation earlier with my sis! Although funny at first it really does change the meaning of the phrase and helps to take away from the anger when you hear it used negatively and who knows, maybe it'll really help your friends to see exactly how important this is to you like its done for me.
If all else fails then you correct whoever said it negatively by stating NICELY that if you really don't like that homework assignment that you just referred to as gay then its probably because your not smart enough to understand it like my gay self can. Then smile and walk away. :)
Either way, you've completed the challenge in my book! lol
A tad bit hard to follow cuz it was a hard topic to explain but hopefully you get it!