Gay people cannot be allowed to marry because it will desecrate the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman.
So wait, back up. Heterosexuals are worrying about us ruining the sanctity of marriage??? What about Hollywood highlighting marriages for citizenship and money, and adultery in their movies? With the divorce rate marked at 40% in 2008 and people getting married numerous times? Liza Minnelli had been married and divorced four times. Britney Spears had her marriage annulled just days after. And every knows Anna Nicole Smith married for the money.
Why isn't there a war against getting a divorce? A war against re-marrying or marrying for any other reason other then love? These are the things ruining the sanctity of marriage. So why do people think that gay marriage is one of these factors?
The only reason I could possibly think of is fear, fear of change. Just because a female marrying a female isn't what you think is normal does not mean that you have the right to make sure it doesn't happen. And just because to try to make sure it doesn't happen does not mean that we as a people will not prevail.
Just as the African Americans fought for their freedom, like interracial couples fought to get married, like Arab Americans fought for acceptance, the LGBT Community will not only continue to fight but I believe we will one day win our fight for equality.
One day people will see that love is love no matter the genders it is between, no matter the difference (or similarities) between the two seeking this union. One day people will begin to accept us for who we are, human beings, and will see that ALL human beings deserve the same rights. One day I will be able to marry the woman of my dreams in any state apart of these United States and that one day will come soon so don't sleep on us.
My favorite advocates for gay marriage: FCK H8
I absolutely love their videos!