Aug 29, 2011

Rick Perry's New Promise

Presidential Candidate Rick Perry signed an anti-gay marriage pledge promising that if elected he will put into place a Constitutional Amendment defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman. All this from a man who only a month ago was for individual rights and "fine" with New York allowing gays to marry.

When asked about the sudden flip-flop he replied with this, "I probably needed to add a few words after that 'It's fine with me.' Obviously gay marriage is not fine with me. My stance hasn't changed. I believe marriage is a union between one man and one woman."

Why did he change his mind? I personally feel like this man is a puppet; weak and does what he's told he should do. Either that or he just can't make up his own mind so he follows suit. Is the the type of man you want running your country?

What does it mean? Well for one, if he's elected the Republican Party would rule the world which could spell disaster for the entire United States.

But more specifically what does it mean for us, the gay community? If he or any of his other buddys' that signed this promise get elected to office it will be a huge setback for the entire LGBT Community. We'll be pushed back to square one and I think its safe to say that if the amendment passes it'll only bring harder blows as far as society and the government trying to make us less than people.

What can we do to stop this? Other than encourage everyone to exercise their right to vote, we can make our voices heard. Tell why this is wrong. Your words may fall on a lot of deaf ears but one person will hear you and who knows, that maybe be that one person difference in our victory.

How do you feel about presidential candidates signing this anti-gay marriage pledge?

Aug 27, 2011

Jerry Buell's Fredom Of Speech

I'm sure you've all read about the Jerry Buell story. If not here's a qiuck refresher. A high school teacher was taken out of the classroom and placed into an administrative job after posting a gay-bashing statement on his facebook page. He has since been placed back into the classroom. The message read:
“I’m watching the news, eating dinner, when the story about New York okaying same sex unions came on and I almost threw up. And now they showed two guys kissing after their announcement. If they want to call it a union, go ahead. But don’t insult a man and woman’s marriage by throwing it in the same cesspool as same-sex whatever! God will not be mocked. When did this sin become acceptable???”….
“….I will never accept it and refuse to condone it or shut my eyes to it. It is an insult to the marriage between my wife and I. We are married, don’t know what the heck those people call it but it ain’t a marriage…

Unlike most Americans I do not feel like this was a question of free speech, he obviously can say whatever he wants whenever he pleases. You may not like it but thats just part of living in the United States. I do however think that this was a question of morals. It is okay to have your own personal feelings but there are some professions that morally force you to not use and abuse certain rights. Just follow me for a second, it leads to a valid point.

A journalist cannot write stories with purposeful biased, a police officer cannot make false arrests because he has a personal vendetta, and teachers should not be able to openly express any views that can possibly hurt or badly influence any of their students. Think about it! If a teacher believed that 9/11 was a conspiracy would you want him teaching that to your child? Its the same kind of situation just a more controversial subject.

Its kind of hard to think that gays and gay marriage is still frowned upon in this day and age but its even harder to think that freedom of speech is still freedom of speech even when hurts a huge group of people.  This case should have been considered bullying or making some hate statement. And he really wasn't punished.

I want to know your opinion on this case.

Aug 26, 2011

Get to know me.

My name is Desiree and my passion is empowering the LGBT Community. Why? Because years ago when I came out as a lesbian to family and friends there was no lifelines, no positive opinions. I felt like there was no one on my side to help me find that pride in being who I was. So after I went through so much confusion and negative perspectives on my lifestyle, I decided  I would try to be that light at the end of the tunnel for anyone who has been through what I've been through and anyone looking for reasons to be proud to be gay, proud to be bisexual, proud to be apart of our community. Its such a big mission for a 21-year-old but someone has to take that stand for all of us and if I can help just one person with this blog then I've made a difference.